【同义词辨析】 2020-03-09 微粒particle-tittle

particle: implies an amount of a substance or quality that is within the range of visual or mental perception: a rumor without a ~ of truth.

bit: suggests the least feasible amount, extent, or degree: a movie that was a ~ too violent.   feasible可行的,可以在现实中出现的

mite: may stress either smallness in size or minuteness in amount: doesn't have a ~ of suspicion.   minute极小的implies extreme smallness,如a beverage with only a minute amount of caffeine饮料中只有极少量咖啡因)

smidgen: may go even further in stressing minuteness or scarcity: left them without even a ~ of hope.   scarce缺乏implies a falling short of a standard or required abundance,如jobs were scarce during the Depression大萧条时工作缺乏,如food was scarce and expensive食物缺乏,价格昂贵)

whit: used chiefly in negative phrases, implies the least conceivable amount: cared not a ~ about their opinion.  

atom: suggests the very smallest size or amount possible: not an ~ of dust escaped his attention.

iota, jot: are used interchangeably to mean the smallest or most minute detail or amount: tried to remove the last ~ of doubt; added not a ~ to their knowledge.

tittle: has the same meaning as iota and jot but is usually used in the phrase jot or tittle: didn't care a ~ about the opinions of others.

particle微粒颗粒: 表示物质的数量或特征在视觉或思维的感知范围内,bit一点: 表示现实中最小的数量范围程度,mite一点螨虫: 强调尺寸小数量少,smidgen一点: 进一步强调尺寸小或数量少,whit一点: 指能设想的最小数量,用在否定句,atom一点原子: 表示可能的最小尺寸数量,iota,jot一点: 可互换表示最小的细节或数量,tittle一点: 意思相同,用于词组jot or tittle

记忆方法: 1)首字母PBMSWAIJT重组成WAIT JP MBS等待日本没本事<==微粒     ""是会意字,从彳(chì)--(wēi)声,本义是"隐秘地行走",如微行微服微词(隐晦的批评);引申为"细小",如细微微量微乎其微微调忽微;另外和物理量连用时表示"百万分之一",如微米微克         ""本义是"米粒谷粒",其中"米"指谷籽,"立"指独立,合起来表示"煮食时仍可分出独立谷籽的主食",与""相对,面表示"谷粉"       ""的字形像三颗细碎的粒状物,是""和""字的初文。本义为"细碎的沙尘微粒",最早有3个意思,1、数量上表示"数量不多";2、质地上表示"沙粒";3、形体上表示"微粒",后来小字专表此义。引申指"微小",与"大"相对。另外2义后来用"少"和"沙"表示
                  2)微粒的意思是很小一块mean a very small or insignificant piece or part.